Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I feel like I am in a battle within myself right now. I love being active within the school, but this year I feel like I am having to bite my tongue more and more recently. Just the hypocrisy is really bothering me everyday. I will see someone around campus or in the city and I just cringe inside. I know within life that I will be surrounded by corruption, especially in the church. But I would think as Christians we try our best not to be fake and admit our sins. I am just tired of being told to watch my tongue, which is why I think I have a careless attitude towards people and aljfkjda people. I want to care, but I don't. I care about my hubby, me, school, and etc. But others, oh well if the truth hurts, you needed to know. I think whenever I leave school, I can just drop that attitude but right now it seems to be grafted into me. I want to just call them out, however that would be wrong, mean and just un-Christ like. So I cannot even win within myself.

On even a more depressing note, I am going to be stuck in college another year. I am ready to graduate and be done with undergrad work. I want to start my career and live a life with less drama. I mean drama will be every where but I am just tired of it.