One exam left, and now it time to celebrate Christ and his birth.
So ready for December Cheer!!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
::::one of those::::::
Today was one of those days where I just observed the people that surrounded me.
All I saw was a lot of negativity, seriously for a hour all I heard was complaining, whining, bickering, and arguments. It was disappointing, however eye opening because I saw things in myself and others I don't think I would of seen if I wasn't just listening.
I learned that I, well I am a positive person. Joe and I try not to be a "debbie downer" when a problem arises. We try to find a way to fix the problem or just to find something positive. Always being negative makes life depressing and miserable. And, I learned that I make my own situations grow or disintegrate. If that makes any sense, I cause most of my problems... But others don't see it that way, today someone was blatant that the reason they could not get their homework done was because of spending time with friends, "trying to be social" they put it. No, no, no noooo sir. We are adults, we can avoid/fix problems, however we rather blame someone else rather than say, "Goodness I am an idiot, I should of done my homework before class." College, and just life in general is about mistakes and learning about your mistakes. However, I think some people would rather blame someone else and they will never learn.
Just tired of the negitivity and bulllllll crap.
All I saw was a lot of negativity, seriously for a hour all I heard was complaining, whining, bickering, and arguments. It was disappointing, however eye opening because I saw things in myself and others I don't think I would of seen if I wasn't just listening.
I learned that I, well I am a positive person. Joe and I try not to be a "debbie downer" when a problem arises. We try to find a way to fix the problem or just to find something positive. Always being negative makes life depressing and miserable. And, I learned that I make my own situations grow or disintegrate. If that makes any sense, I cause most of my problems... But others don't see it that way, today someone was blatant that the reason they could not get their homework done was because of spending time with friends, "trying to be social" they put it. No, no, no noooo sir. We are adults, we can avoid/fix problems, however we rather blame someone else rather than say, "Goodness I am an idiot, I should of done my homework before class." College, and just life in general is about mistakes and learning about your mistakes. However, I think some people would rather blame someone else and they will never learn.
Just tired of the negitivity and bulllllll crap.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Life is changing, and changing fast. It is exciting and scary all within the same moment. However, I believe I will be ready for the change, even though it will be a little difficult at first. But worth it in the end.
I would have to say that Joe and I have had to make a lot of grown up choices at the time. We have finally hit a fork in the road. If we bear left, we know exactly how our life will be for the next 5, 10 or 2o years. But if we bear right, we could have an adventure in our life together that I think we would never come across again.
We are bearing right, life is crazy and so are times. I mean we have known since we got married we were going to be paying for two student loans and eventually have to get another car. And how the economy is today, we really have been praying for something to come our way to help ease the pressure of loans. And wow something came, out of the blue... Which was scarrrry. But God works crazy fast and has a plan. Even though this was not something I thought would never happen but we are ready.
We will be leaving a lot, which is weird for me to say. I mean I have been raised in a military family all my life. I have moved every 2-4 years, I have never really had good relationships with friends until I came to college. I mean I never had the time to build them, and I did not want to build relationship especially when I knew my butt was going to be gone in a year. But I would have to say it is different for me to care to make every moment with my friends like it could be the last. That was weird for me to even write. I mean I never have cared until the past couple years even months.
Everything is changing, and I like it. I mean nothing is happening tomorrow, but when summer starts to approach that is really when everything will be changing.
Oh and by the way no I am not pregnant... I just had to say that because everyone always thinks I am, and I am not. =D One day, not any time soon.
I would have to say that Joe and I have had to make a lot of grown up choices at the time. We have finally hit a fork in the road. If we bear left, we know exactly how our life will be for the next 5, 10 or 2o years. But if we bear right, we could have an adventure in our life together that I think we would never come across again.
We are bearing right, life is crazy and so are times. I mean we have known since we got married we were going to be paying for two student loans and eventually have to get another car. And how the economy is today, we really have been praying for something to come our way to help ease the pressure of loans. And wow something came, out of the blue... Which was scarrrry. But God works crazy fast and has a plan. Even though this was not something I thought would never happen but we are ready.
We will be leaving a lot, which is weird for me to say. I mean I have been raised in a military family all my life. I have moved every 2-4 years, I have never really had good relationships with friends until I came to college. I mean I never had the time to build them, and I did not want to build relationship especially when I knew my butt was going to be gone in a year. But I would have to say it is different for me to care to make every moment with my friends like it could be the last. That was weird for me to even write. I mean I never have cared until the past couple years even months.
Everything is changing, and I like it. I mean nothing is happening tomorrow, but when summer starts to approach that is really when everything will be changing.
Oh and by the way no I am not pregnant... I just had to say that because everyone always thinks I am, and I am not. =D One day, not any time soon.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I feel like I am in a battle within myself right now. I love being active within the school, but this year I feel like I am having to bite my tongue more and more recently. Just the hypocrisy is really bothering me everyday. I will see someone around campus or in the city and I just cringe inside. I know within life that I will be surrounded by corruption, especially in the church. But I would think as Christians we try our best not to be fake and admit our sins. I am just tired of being told to watch my tongue, which is why I think I have a careless attitude towards people and aljfkjda people. I want to care, but I don't. I care about my hubby, me, school, and etc. But others, oh well if the truth hurts, you needed to know. I think whenever I leave school, I can just drop that attitude but right now it seems to be grafted into me. I want to just call them out, however that would be wrong, mean and just un-Christ like. So I cannot even win within myself.
On even a more depressing note, I am going to be stuck in college another year. I am ready to graduate and be done with undergrad work. I want to start my career and live a life with less drama. I mean drama will be every where but I am just tired of it.
On even a more depressing note, I am going to be stuck in college another year. I am ready to graduate and be done with undergrad work. I want to start my career and live a life with less drama. I mean drama will be every where but I am just tired of it.
Monday, August 10, 2009
:::::when one door closes, I pray one will open:::::
Joe & I are list people, calendars and planners. We always have a back up plan however usually we never have to use plan B. Today I think was the first time we have ever had to think to use plan B.
So Joe found out today, that because of his blood pressure medicine that he is suppose to take daily permits him from joining the Navy as a chaplain. Which he was not happy about and me oh I was not happy about at all. I think I am more scared then mad. IDK. Usually you can get a wavier for medicine, but he is suppose to take it everday, he doesn't. But rules are rules.
Plan B is Joe becoming a game warden, which means he needs to a degree in criminal justice. Well he is giddy about getting his masters in criminal justice, and possibly joining the police force. He loves to hunt, fish and law. Also, Joe will be getting his Masters in counseling, and then his doctorates. But first he has agreed to get the GW stuff started first then work towards another degree. I love him.
I am always prepared for things to fall through at work, but in life. UH! It is so hard to see your plan change so quickly and out of the blue. =( At least I have God & my hubby, I just pray that God will still shine his light on the path we are suppose to take. I will be applying to grad school soon, and Joe is already applying to grad school as well. I guess we will see what comes, I hope it is more good news.
It's in God's hands, not mine.
So Joe found out today, that because of his blood pressure medicine that he is suppose to take daily permits him from joining the Navy as a chaplain. Which he was not happy about and me oh I was not happy about at all. I think I am more scared then mad. IDK. Usually you can get a wavier for medicine, but he is suppose to take it everday, he doesn't. But rules are rules.
Plan B is Joe becoming a game warden, which means he needs to a degree in criminal justice. Well he is giddy about getting his masters in criminal justice, and possibly joining the police force. He loves to hunt, fish and law. Also, Joe will be getting his Masters in counseling, and then his doctorates. But first he has agreed to get the GW stuff started first then work towards another degree. I love him.
I am always prepared for things to fall through at work, but in life. UH! It is so hard to see your plan change so quickly and out of the blue. =( At least I have God & my hubby, I just pray that God will still shine his light on the path we are suppose to take. I will be applying to grad school soon, and Joe is already applying to grad school as well. I guess we will see what comes, I hope it is more good news.
It's in God's hands, not mine.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
In a few weeks school starts back up, and I am excited. I am only have one year left at MACU/ECSU, it is a bitter sweet situation. But I am ready for it to get started. It is crazy how much my life and views have changed in four years. I think I have became a stronger woman, with the experiences I have gone through.
Everything is changing and I think we are following the path of God. It is exciting and scary, but we are ready. So far, all we have is a pile of paperwork for Joe to fill out to become a Navy Chapalian, and grad school. As for me, I have no idea where I will be going to grad school, I might stay at ECSU because they have all my information and everything is offered online. Really, Joe and I have been looking at JBC, WBC, LU, and UST. IDK. So far we keep praying and God is slowly pointing us on the right route.
In a few weeks school starts back up, and I am excited. I am only have one year left at MACU/ECSU, it is a bitter sweet situation. But I am ready for it to get started. It is crazy how much my life and views have changed in four years. I think I have became a stronger woman, with the experiences I have gone through.
Everything is changing and I think we are following the path of God. It is exciting and scary, but we are ready. So far, all we have is a pile of paperwork for Joe to fill out to become a Navy Chapalian, and grad school. As for me, I have no idea where I will be going to grad school, I might stay at ECSU because they have all my information and everything is offered online. Really, Joe and I have been looking at JBC, WBC, LU, and UST. IDK. So far we keep praying and God is slowly pointing us on the right route.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
So I went to ECSU to pay the rest of my account for summer classes, assuming my scholarship was sent over and I had a little to nothing payment to make, well I was so wrong. Supposedly, my scholarship still has not came to ECSU. And, they have this strict policy for summer classes, if your money is not paid before the first day of class then you are not enrolled for the summer. I totally understand this policy and agree with it, however I am just mad that my scholarship still has not been sent to the aid office. I have only one week left until classes start, and if I don't take these classes then I won't be able to graduate this coming May.
I just want to cry.
I just want to cry.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
::Going Digital Today::
::Ugh Walgreens::
So after a fun filled day of shooting around Camden & Electrical parks, I took my roll of film to Walgreens to be put on a CD.
Well I come home with my CD and realize only 5 shots were developed.
However, when I looked at the negatives I could see that my pictures were there partical and overexposed.
Took them back and this is what the shift manager said "Well I guess our photo sale associate was having a bad day. I'll make sure I tell her to be more careful next time." I asked/told him, I need a refund, because this was not my fault. And of course he says "Oh I cannot do that, it is your risk bringing your film to us, even though you are right and she developed your film wrong."
I am never ever going to walgreens everrr again!
Well I come home with my CD and realize only 5 shots were developed.
However, when I looked at the negatives I could see that my pictures were there partical and overexposed.
Took them back and this is what the shift manager said "Well I guess our photo sale associate was having a bad day. I'll make sure I tell her to be more careful next time." I asked/told him, I need a refund, because this was not my fault. And of course he says "Oh I cannot do that, it is your risk bringing your film to us, even though you are right and she developed your film wrong."
I am never ever going to walgreens everrr again!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
So my dad, who is awesome by the way, let me borrow his SLR from back in the 90's.
This thing is great, it is huge and many filters to choose and learn from, only drawback....
It's not DIGITAL! I knew I was spolied but goodness it was so hard not being able to click back through my photos and check on the lighting etc.
But I love it and I am learning how to use the flashes and filters.
Here was day one of learning

These were all taken at the Red Wing Park, Virginia Beach.
Remember this was practice! :]
This thing is great, it is huge and many filters to choose and learn from, only drawback....
It's not DIGITAL! I knew I was spolied but goodness it was so hard not being able to click back through my photos and check on the lighting etc.
But I love it and I am learning how to use the flashes and filters.
Here was day one of learning

Remember this was practice! :]
Saturday, May 23, 2009
::I wanna ride my bicycle, I wanna ride my bike::
So today I went on a nine mile bike ride.
I loved it, I mean it was hard, not easy at all.
The wind really did not help, but I love a challenge & I loved it!
One thing I loved strolling in Camden was looking at the farm land and landscape.
It was gorgeous seeing the crops, and wild animals. I do love electric fences that is for sure.
We almost got chased from three dogs! Ah!
But back to God's creation, it was beautiful and relaxing.
I am excited to announce that I will have been married for one complete year tomorrow!
I love my husband, he is completely awesome and loving. We compliment each other very well.
Being married to a hot and great man of God is a blessing.
I am blessed!
I loved it, I mean it was hard, not easy at all.
The wind really did not help, but I love a challenge & I loved it!
One thing I loved strolling in Camden was looking at the farm land and landscape.
It was gorgeous seeing the crops, and wild animals. I do love electric fences that is for sure.
We almost got chased from three dogs! Ah!
But back to God's creation, it was beautiful and relaxing.
I am excited to announce that I will have been married for one complete year tomorrow!
I love my husband, he is completely awesome and loving. We compliment each other very well.
Being married to a hot and great man of God is a blessing.
I am blessed!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
::::Photography Class::::
So I am trying this photography thing, I don't want to be professional photographer. I don't have the talent or money for that.
But I joined a photography class, my first assignment was to take a picture of a flower.
So here is my first shot, and my only shot at the time.
I guess it came out ok?!?! I think my flower looks a little fake. But we shall see.
Andddd, I love my hubby!
But I joined a photography class, my first assignment was to take a picture of a flower.
So here is my first shot, and my only shot at the time.
I guess it came out ok?!?! I think my flower looks a little fake. But we shall see.
Andddd, I love my hubby!

Monday, May 18, 2009
:full time, finally:
So I am really really bored today, because I am sick. I think my KFC orginal chicken was not cooked all the way, and the sucky thing is Joe pointed out that my meat looked bad. Ugh! So now I am sick, watching Law & Order SVU & CI marathon and NCIS.
Oh on a good note, on Sunday May 24, it will be my one year anniversary as Mrs. Burton. Pretty crazy how fast one year has gone bye. I would say it feels like we have been married longer, haha. But our first year has been a success, today a lot of married couples don't make it past 6 months. :\ I think the next year to come will be a little harder with making career plans and moving. So that will be funnnn. But I am ready for whatever comes.
Last thing, I want a bike. I'm a child.
Oh on a good note, on Sunday May 24, it will be my one year anniversary as Mrs. Burton. Pretty crazy how fast one year has gone bye. I would say it feels like we have been married longer, haha. But our first year has been a success, today a lot of married couples don't make it past 6 months. :\ I think the next year to come will be a little harder with making career plans and moving. So that will be funnnn. But I am ready for whatever comes.
Last thing, I want a bike. I'm a child.
Monday, May 11, 2009
:The Beginning of My Last College Summer:
Every summer I try to find something that I can do that relaxes me, something that I stay physically in shape and something that pays the bills.
So far, I have join a photography teaching club thing, and I am running as many 5K's this summer, and of course I work at Girls Inc.
This Saturday will be my first 5k since high school at the Potato Festival. Ahhh it is nerve wreaking but I am ready and excited!
Oh last thing, I am making as many trips as possible to see friends and family. Most likely this will be the last summer my family is in Virginia and maybe the last time I am in NC.
Have to make the most out of this summer!
So far, I have join a photography teaching club thing, and I am running as many 5K's this summer, and of course I work at Girls Inc.
This Saturday will be my first 5k since high school at the Potato Festival. Ahhh it is nerve wreaking but I am ready and excited!
Oh last thing, I am making as many trips as possible to see friends and family. Most likely this will be the last summer my family is in Virginia and maybe the last time I am in NC.
Have to make the most out of this summer!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
I like and hate exams.
I like exams because it is the last assignment to finish a class. Which means summer is around the corner!
I hate exams, because you have to study your butt off for a test that could last 10 minutes and you studied 2-6 hours.
But on a cheerful note, I only have a few left. Then I have one semester of lecture classes and then a semester of student teaching. aMaZiNg!!!
Ok, gotta study!
I like exams because it is the last assignment to finish a class. Which means summer is around the corner!
I hate exams, because you have to study your butt off for a test that could last 10 minutes and you studied 2-6 hours.
But on a cheerful note, I only have a few left. Then I have one semester of lecture classes and then a semester of student teaching. aMaZiNg!!!
Ok, gotta study!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
:almost done:
school work has not stressed me....
people have stressed me....
i'm usually one that ignores what people say about me....
but for some odd reason it is now bugging me, and i do not like it.....
why do people have to be cruel, esp when you do not do a thing but breath.....
i just do not get it....
yea sometimes i will make comments but then i take it back because is was rude....
but i do not intentionally want to hurt anyone.....
are some people created evil....?
i hate to say that i am happy the school year is ending....
its a bitter sweet kind of thing.....
i will miss some but others, eh no.....
i cannot believe i have one semester left of classes...
it is odd to think in the spring i will be doing my student teaching, then graduating....
it is almost time to finish my last chapter here at MACU....
i am ready to start a new book soon....
people have stressed me....
i'm usually one that ignores what people say about me....
but for some odd reason it is now bugging me, and i do not like it.....
why do people have to be cruel, esp when you do not do a thing but breath.....
i just do not get it....
yea sometimes i will make comments but then i take it back because is was rude....
but i do not intentionally want to hurt anyone.....
are some people created evil....?
i hate to say that i am happy the school year is ending....
its a bitter sweet kind of thing.....
i will miss some but others, eh no.....
i cannot believe i have one semester left of classes...
it is odd to think in the spring i will be doing my student teaching, then graduating....
it is almost time to finish my last chapter here at MACU....
i am ready to start a new book soon....
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