Monday, May 11, 2009

:The Beginning of My Last College Summer:

Every summer I try to find something that I can do that relaxes me, something that I stay physically in shape and something that pays the bills.

So far, I have join a photography teaching club thing, and I am running as many 5K's this summer, and of course I work at Girls Inc.

This Saturday will be my first 5k since high school at the Potato Festival. Ahhh it is nerve wreaking but I am ready and excited!

Oh last thing, I am making as many trips as possible to see friends and family. Most likely this will be the last summer my family is in Virginia and maybe the last time I am in NC.

Have to make the most out of this summer!


  1. Yea you better come visit :) Good luck on that 5k tomorrow! I'm sure I'll talk to you soon. I didn't know you had a blog...gotta follow you now haha.

